Let's go to Mexico, Puerto Penasco, Sonora, Mexico a charming little beach town with great fishing on the Northern tip of the Sea of Cortez. See Puerto Penasco/ Rocky Point photos
Upcomming Holidays Rocky Point!
Upcomming Holidays Rocky Point!
Tourism is raring to go and Puerto Penasco (known as Rocky Point to most Americans) is ready to be desiginated as the next new hot spot.
With miles of sandy caramel colored beaches and blue turquoise water and a plethora of beach front resorts the local businesses are excited and ready for the upcomming holidays and events.
Columbus Day Weekend - Oct. 9, 10, 11
School's Out - Bring the Kids!
16th Annual Rocky Point Roundup - Oct. 16, 17, 18
This AA event with Al-Anon participation is being held for the 4th year in a row at Sonoran Spa Resort. For pre-registration go to their website
Puerto Penasco getaway just a 3.5 hour drive from Phoenix with daily shuttle service available to the Sonoran Sun Resort, Sonoran Spa Resort and other Sandy Beach Resorts!
9th Annual Rocky Point Rally - Nov. 5-8
Thousands of motorcycles fill the streets of Penasco. It is quite a site to see! Proceeds for this super fun event go to Rocky Point Charities. For info about the Rally click here
9th Annual Rocky Point Rally - Nov. 5-8
Thousands of motorcycles fill the streets of Penasco. It is quite a site to see! Proceeds for this super fun event go to Rocky Point Charities. For info about the Rally click here
Thanksgiving Weekend - Nov. 25-28
Yum yum yum!
Iron Chef Competition - Nov. 27
Chef Mickey will be defending his title at the OceanView Restaurant at Sonoran Sky Resort.
Taste of Penasco - Nov. 28
Restaurants from all over Penasco will be setting up booths and selling some of the most scruptious foods - at reasonable prices. This annual event is tentatively planned to be held at the Shrimp Park.