Who doesn't love an ocean? Nature created this vast entity bigger than all of us, teeming with life and energy to enrich our lives. Something happens to me when I gaze at the water, something wonderful. The closeness of the sea fills my soul with calmness, liberating any stress I may be holding tight inside and energizing my spirit.
Just returning from two weekends in Southern California brought me to the realization that I love all oceans. Waves breaking, blue straight horizons as far as the eye can see and soft sand for walking on and lounging on, relaxing as if the work world stopped and there is not a care in the world as you sit by the water's edge.
Yes, I love all oceans, but after two weekends in Southern California I have a strong urge, deep passion bubbling up inside me to go back to my favorite body of water the Sea of Cortez in Mexico.
Now, many friends and relatives of mine live in Southern Cal so this it not a slam on their beautiful piece of the world. However, this is about urges and withdraws for something you love that rests inside your heart and nothing else can fulfill that place to create an inner feeling of peace and freedom.
Here are 7 reasons why I love the Mexican coastlines more (especially a charming little sea town called Puerto Penasco) over the California beaches.
1. Color of the water- turquoise, blue clear and clean. Warm describes the Sea of Cortez, here 9 months of the year no wet suits. I prefer my water warm, turquoise and full of glittering diamonds.
2. Can we say California traffic?- my experience in the last two weekends, no parking, drive around look for a spot to park, to go just 5 miles in a taxi- $20 cab ride, 20 minute ride in traffic to get anywhere, all day, every day. Sirens? Stayed in a hotel in La Jolla and counted 15 sirens in one night. No offense I like to park next to the beach and carry all the fun beach items 50 feet.
3. Prices- food prices, hotel prices, drink prices. Mexico even with a slower economy is less than half of the prices in Laguna Beach, La Jolla even Pacific Beach. I have credit card receipts to prove the cost difference. In Puerto Penasco you can stay in new condos for less than $100 a night. Does not exist in La Jolla, Laguna or Pacific Beach
4. Travel time from California- load your car up with all your favorite beach toys, bicycles, clothes and coolers and from Phoenix or Tuscon you can be sitting on the beach in less than 4 hours ( that includes unpacking the car and putting your chair in the sand)
5. Beaches are free in Mexico- no $10 car charge, no blocking off of the beach for walking the beach due to a resort hotel, no tags. Open to all. Best thing all the new developments are right on the beach and you can just walk back and forth to your condo or room. Economically hard to beat!
6. Rules and Regulations- Where did all the rules come from? Example of a sign in San Diego on the beach
NO alcohol on beach
NO dogs on beach
NO smoking on Beach
NO fires on beach
NO sleeping on beach
NO vehicle on beach
NO shell picking
In Mexico go to Sandy Beach, take your cooler, your dog, your food, drinks relax and take a nap all for free. Where did all the rules come from?. It must be that inner voice inside my head but I hate to be told what to do when I'm on vacation. Beach combing of washed up shells is an age old pastime. Also, just like the Corona commercials which you know are not shot in California, you too can have a cervaza on the beach in Mexico, staring at blue water.
7. Crowds, packed bars, restaurants- on a Saturday in Pacific beach we went to three different bars to find a place to sit and have a cold beverage. I like crowds as much as the next guy at the right event but sometimes you want to be able to sit down have a drink and enjoy the view without waiting. Walking down Sandy beach with miles of empty beautiful beaches is hard to pass up.
Yes, I love the California surf just as much as the next guy but spending two crowded weekends there sure gave me the Mexico withdrawals. Sorry California friends! Anita Kaltenbaugh
Are you ready to go to Puerto Penasco? Special 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo 7 Days for just 675.00 + tax/fees for a beach front Luxury condo that sleeps up to 6 guests.
Contact sales@nettravelease.com to check if your week is still available!
When planning your trip, you do not need to exchange your dollars, they are accepted all over Puerto Penasco, as well as your credit cards. Also you can get your passport card for just 45.00
Daily shuttle service is available from Phoenix airport, and the drive to Puerto Penasco is just 3.5 hours.
Check our list of fun things to do in Puerto Penasco, Mexico.
Life is so much better at the Beach!
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